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What Is Cloud Accounting – All You Need to Know

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    Cloud accounting is a newer term you may have heard lately, but what does it mean? In short, cloud accounting uses software to manage your finances remotely instead of on your computer or device.

    This can be a great option for businesses of all sizes and individuals who want the convenience and flexibility of working from anywhere with an internet connection. Keep reading for a more in-depth look at cloud accounting and why it might be a good fit for you or your business.

    What Is Cloud Accounting?    

    When you use cloud accounting, your company's books are stored online. This includes keeping records of one's assets and liabilities, as well as one's income and expenses. Because the information is encrypted, like a bank's data, only individuals with the login information can read the data.

    In the early 2000s, companies started using cloud accounting software, commonly called online accounting software. This type of software is stored in the cloud. As a consequence of this, the majority of the systems are equipped with features for cost estimating, billing, and bill management.

    Users sign up for an online accounting software subscription and then upload their bookkeeping data to the cloud. They can log in to their accounts using any online browser or an application on their mobile device. The vast majority of customers connect the program to the bank account associated with their company, allowing for the automatic transfer of banking transactions from the bank to the books. Because of this, they won't have to enter as much info.

    You Can Maintain Contact With Your Members And Stakeholders Through the Cloud

    You used to be able to go into a store, get a boxed set of software, then take it with you to your house and set it up on your personal computer.

    The software may have cost more and been more flexible. Because you stored all your work on one computer, you had to remember to back it up constantly or risk losing everything if your computer crashed.

    These days, you are just as likely, if not more likely, to pay a membership fee to acquire access to a specific piece of software over the web and to store your work not on your computer but rather in "the cloud." This is because the internet has made it easier than ever to access software.

    This is not something that only applies to individuals. Applications hosted on the cloud are gaining popularity among businesses and governments, educational institutions, non-profit organisations, and government agencies.

    So What Is The Cloud?

    Despite the hazy connotations of the term, "the cloud" refers to nothing more than a vast network of computers that can be accessed from any device that can connect to the internet.

    Consider this the next time you do your banking online. When you log in to your bank account, you use the cloud to access your financial information. The cloud allows it to access data and software online at any time, from any location, and via any device. Your desktop or portable hard drive is no longer the most important component of your computer or laptop.

    The cloud hosts the applications and services (the software) and stores the data linked with those applications and services. Again, we'll return to this subject later, but the fact that this functionality is available makes the cloud an extremely powerful and helpful resource.

    The following is a list of the many different categories that cloud apps and services fall under:

    • File storage
    • Databases
    • Communication
    • Cooperation within a team
    • Project management
    • Financial records
    • Advertising and public relations
    • Management of relationships with customers
    • A combination of any number of the options mentioned above.
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    Why Choose Cloud Accounting?

    For business owners who are strapped for time, consideration should be given to cost, efficiency, and user-friendliness. Accounting in the cloud satisfies all of these requirements.

    1. Accessibility

    Cloud accounting platforms, in contrast to more conventional software for bookkeeping, can be accessible at any time.

    You are going to need the login information. In most companies, numerous users will frequently be the owner and an accountant or bookkeeper. Because the data is updated in real time, you will never have to worry about performing the same work twice.

    It is becoming increasingly common for people to work from home or commute. Online accounting solutions are tailored to the dynamic and fluid nature of the modern workplace. As your business expands, it won't be difficult to accommodate any necessary additional users. And in major corporations, teams of employees from different parts of the world can collaborate on projects as if they were working in the same office.

    On the other hand, access to data depends on a working internet connection; if you do not have a working internet connection, you will not be able to access the data. Even though power outages are uncommon and typically only last for a few minutes at a time, they could last for much longer, for instance, in a catastrophic natural event.

    2. Security

    The data security offered by cloud services is superior to desktop software, even though this goes against common sense. This is possible due to the effective security procedures utilised by distant servers. In addition, governments have recently taken severe action against companies that have suffered data security breaches, which makes these companies fear for their future. Consequently, businesses that offer cloud computing services are extremely worried about their data's safety because their organisation's success may hinge on it.

    It is a really significant problem. If the security of your cloud-based software is compromised in any way, any data saved in the cloud may be in danger. As an illustration, in 2016, hackers broke into Dropbox and exposed the login information of sixty million users. Even though only a small quantity of data was compromised, the specifics of the breach were put up for sale on the dark web.

    3. Costs Savings

    As a result of increased competition, owners of small businesses now have access to the greatest software available worldwide at prices within their budgets. Businesses no longer need to retain massive computers or local servers on-site to save data. They can manage these complicated systems without employing an in-house information technology team. The most recent information can be obtained instantly and easily accessed with the use of a button.

    Efficiency and reduction in the amount of time needed to complete a task are two additional key benefits. Artificial intelligence is used by cloud accounting software suppliers, for instance, to automate hard and time-consuming operations.

    It only takes a few minutes to produce financial reports for the end of the year. Managing inventory and creating projections for cash flow is possible in a single, centralised cloud system. This frees up business owners' time throughout the week to effectively concentrate on running their companies.

    4. Intuitive Accounting Software

    Most owners of small businesses consider expanding their company as one of their primary goals, but only some have received substantial accounting training. Contemporary accounting software is user-friendly and features an intuitive interface.

    Software companies invest hundreds of hours figuring out how to reduce complex accounting processes and jargon to compete in the market. This indicates that owners of businesses in the modern era do not require the assistance of third parties to manage their books on a fundamental level.

    Advantages Of Cloud Accounting Software    

    Online financial management has several benefits.

    • Your bank can send information regarding your sales, revenue, and purchases directly to your books, saving you the time-consuming task of transcribing this information.
    • At any given time, you can view your current financial condition.
    • Online collaboration with your team and advisers is made much simpler by having access to multiple users simultaneously.
    • Because it is an online application, nothing needs to be installed or updated, and your data will be automatically backed up.
    • You can set up a dashboard that displays essential financial information, such as who owes you money, what payments are due, and how your cash flow looks at any given moment.

    Accessibility is the most notable advantage of using accounting software that is hosted in the cloud. Because you may access the cloud from any personal computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device, you won't ever be limited to using just a single computer on which your program is locally installed.

    You can view your accounts remotely when you are out and about, organise them at home, or analyse them at work; all of this can be done without the need for any installations or the placement of sensitive data on your device.

    In addition to providing you with the flexibility to access your accounts from any location, the cloud will automatically update them. Therefore, unlike traditional software, in which you would be required to schedule an update manually, you will never be left utilising outdated programs, nor will you be locked out of your software or records while they update.

    Because of these online changes, they are also more suited to dealing with several currencies, as the exchange rates are automatically updated, and they can be significantly more accurate than traditional software.

    But Even The Cloud Has A Cloud (It's Not All Silver Lining)

    Many businesses, governments, and other organisations use cloud-based products and services for various important and compelling reasons. However, there are other difficulties involved.

    Knowing the dangers and difficulties involved is important when selecting what is best for your organisation, even though the benefits typically outweigh the drawbacks.

    1. Assistance Is Scarce

    You are, to a certain extent, beholden to the whims of the providers. Many people receive inadequate support; sometimes, no readily apparent point of contact exists.

    You could be a very insignificant fish in their large pond, so fulfilling your requirements might not be their top priority.

    On the other hand, if anything does not go as planned, you are not the only person who will be affected.

    Cloud service providers have a significant financial interest in ensuring that everything functions properly and that maximum uptimes are achieved.

    2. The Reliability of Internet Connections Varies

    Since the cloud is dependent on the Internet, operating in the cloud may prove to be challenging or even impossible for your company if your Internet connection is either expensive, slow, or unreliable or if it combines all three of these characteristics.

    It is more likely that cloud-based systems will fail in rural and regional locations, but if the Internet is disrupted, it will also affect cloud-based systems everywhere in the world.

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    3. Data Is What Cybercriminals Seek

    Many businesses, governments, and other organisations use cloud services and applications, making them an appealing target for hackers.

    Despite significant investments, there is no way to ensure the complete safety of everything on the internet. On the other hand, isolating your organisation from the Internet and reverting to traditional filing cabinets filled with paper documents is not a realistic choice.

    4. Location Is Crucial

    Many government departments, banks, municipalities, and funders may require data to be held in centres located within Australia to guarantee compliance with national privacy and cyber-security legislation. It also ensures that data can be accessed more quickly.

    Over the past few years, numerous global service providers, like Microsoft and Amazon, amongst many others, have opened data centres in Australia.

    Check to see what is involved in migrating your data to a new provider to ensure that you are not "locked in" if you change your mind in the future.

    Utilising Accounting Software Shouldn't Be Difficult

    It might be a hassle for owners of small businesses to use accounting software not offered on the cloud. It calls for significant manual data entry, which can consume excessive time and energy. This does not contribute anything of value and takes away some of the excitement of being in business. Using software that is hosted in the cloud can help your firm save both time and money.

    Concerns Regarding Traditional Methods of Accounting Software

    • The data stored in the system is not always in the most recent version.
    • It is only compatible with one computer, and data can be transported from one location to another using various means, such as a USB drive. This is not a safe or dependable method.
    • User access is restricted to a single individual. The key personnel in the organisation do not have access to the financial and consumer facts.
    • Keeping backups (assuming they are done) can be expensive and difficult.
    • Compared to cloud accounting software, which can be kept up to date without the user lifting a finger, upgrading this system is costly but also difficult and time-consuming.

    Is It Safe to Keep Accounts in the Cloud?

    Accounting in the cloud offers several safety precautions that are not available in conventional accounting software. To begin, cloud accounting software is never based on your device; therefore, even if a company laptop or tablet is stolen, there will be no critical data on the device itself. This provides several benefits. Because cloud solutions will also have a backup mechanism, you won't ever have to be concerned about the possibility of losing your accounting data due to a computer crash.

    Your account is encrypted and protected by a password; however, you can share access with employees and maintain full control over each employee's access level. For example, if you want employees only to be able to upload receipts for expenses, you can limit their permissions to just that.

    Cloud Applications for Nonprofits

    It is worthwhile to investigate whether your organisation, based on its position as a non-profit organisation, is qualified to receive price reductions or free products.

    1. Office Suites

    A cloud service centred on Microsoft's Office suite is known as Microsoft Office 365. Users of the online edition of Microsoft Office get access to a terabyte of storage space and a range of collaboration tools and other functions unavailable to users of the offline version of Office. In addition, charitable organisations may qualify for free software or significant price reductions.

    Google G Suite: G Suite is a collection of software tools that can be used for various purposes, including sending and receiving emails, managing calendars and tasks, creating and editing documents and spreadsheets, and more. Be advised that Google does not (yet) have a data centre in Australia, and documents created with G Suite are not fully interoperable with those created with Microsoft Office.

    2. Marketing and Promotion

    Campaign Monitor is a tool for creating and sending marketing and promotional emails, electronic newsletters, and other types of material. It provides mailing list management and real-time analytics of who is reading what, which can assist you in better comprehending the recipients of your emails and engaging with them.

    A platform for email marketing and promotion that shares many similarities with Campaign Monitor and is known as MailChimp. Includes a simple email builder and template, automation capabilities, personalisation tools, connectors with e-commerce providers, and links to Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads, among other features. Includes a comprehensive set of tools for reporting and analysis.

    3. Finance and Accounting

    In Australia, MYOB has a long history of serving as a provider of accounting software for organisations ranging from small to large. It provides both items that are only available online and desktop software that also has online components. The functions range from fundamental accountancy to more complex task management and inventory administration. You can obtain information regarding NFP savings by consulting either the application or ConnectingUp.

    Xero is a player in the accounting software business that is relatively new but has gained a substantial following in that time. Much like MYOB, Xero is intended for small to medium-sized businesses. However, it can only be accessed over the cloud. In terms of value for the money, customer support, convenience of use, connectivity with other systems, products and reporting, compares favourably to MYOB.

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    4. Administration

    Suppose you are looking for an all-in-one administrative solution that can manage meetings, events, schedules, tasks, contacts, finances, bookkeeping, and stakeholder involvement, as well as contains reporting capabilities and the recording of minutes. In that case, TidyHQ might be what you are looking for. This system, which comes from an Australian start-up, offers great versatility because it interfaces with third-party suppliers via add-ins for payment processing, marketing, communication, and file storage. In addition to that, they have provided this discount!

    6 Ways Cloud Accounting Software Improves Cash Flow in Your Business

    The undesirable trend of increased late payment times is experienced in Australia, significantly influencing a company's cash flow. Because of this, getting on top of your company's accounting through using accounting software like Xero or MYOB is more crucial than ever since doing so can significantly increase your capacity to manage your company's cash flow properly.

    1. Access Anywhere, Anytime

    Cloud computing is used by many well-known accounting software programmes these days. The term "cloud" refers to the online platform that makes data and applications available to users at any time, from any location, and via any device they choose.

    This ease of access is easy and safe against data loss or hacking risks.

    2. The Computerisation of Normally Performed Tasks

    Your time is freed up as a result of automating your accounting system. As a result, you will spend less time managing your debtors, enhancing the possibility that your bills will be paid on time.

    You can "set and forget" your system to carry out normal and repetitive duties, such as payment reminders and statements, when you automate the method of debt collection.

    The payment terms can be tailored to your company's needs, and customers can receive individualised reminders of their obligations. Customers are given the ability to view and conveniently pay their invoices through online or client portals, which can be developed as part of an online payment feature.

    3. Tracking and Visibility

    You can acquire a comprehensive view of your financial condition and boost your awareness of cash owed by using accounting software that is hosted in the cloud. This software gives you the ability to track invoices. You can determine which debts are the most pressing to pursue by tracking the amount of time since the invoice was issued and sorting the bills in descending order of the amount still owed.

    Some software allows you to put notes on each debtor and integrates your email so that you may produce a comprehensive record of all of your communication with customers. Using other software, you can send letters of demand from a third-party agency or click to acquire a business credit check report. Both of these features are available to you.

    4. Predicting Cash Flow

    Cash flow forecasts examine your company's incoming funds and outgoing expenses over a specified period. This programme can assist you in preparing cash flow forecasts. You can also construct budgets, which can then be readily modified to assist you in accurately predicting how well your company will do in the coming year. In addition, conducting early reviews enables you to spot flaws before they develop into more significant ones.

    5. Management of Debtors and Creditors

    Accounting software can aid you in managing both your debtors and creditors, helping you better coordinate the timing of payments to creditors and the payment cycles of your debtors. You can even monitor stock levels, which helps eliminate problems with over-ordering and keeps more cash in the company.

    6. Integrated Apps

    A growing number of web applications and add-ons are now available. These applications and add-ons can synchronise with cloud account management systems and connect with those systems to provide extra features and benefits.

    Additional features include contact management, processing payments via credit card or EFTPOS, and mobile invoicing. This feature allows you to create instant invoices even on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, which can be very helpful when you are out and about running your business.

    Online software may provide small businesses with considerable time savings and a simplified way to handle the cash flow crucial to their operations. The owners can monitor their existing and projected financial status by using this software's automation features, which also frees up more time for them to focus on other essential aspects of their businesses.


    Cloud accounting is the new hotcake for organisations that want to handle their company finances conveniently, efficiently, and securely. This is because cloud accounting offers all three of these benefits. People were hesitant initially, but now, almost everyone uses internet banking.

    This is a great example since it demonstrates how attitudes can change. It is the most secure route to take to get to the bank. Similarly, as the world continues its transition towards digitalisation, cloud accounting will help significantly to the success of both small and large organisations. Stay caught up, okay?

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    Content Summary

    • In short, cloud accounting uses software to manage your finances remotely instead of on your computer or device.
    • Keep reading for a more in-depth look at cloud accounting and why it might be a good fit for you or your business.
    • Cloud accounting is a type of online accounting that allows you to access your financial data from any device with an internet connection.
    • Plus, cloud accounting comes with other benefits, such as improved security and reduced risk of data loss.
    • These days, you are just as likely, if not more likely, to pay a membership fee to acquire access to a specific piece of software over the web and to store your work not on your computer but rather in "the cloud."
    • This is because the internet has made it easier than ever to access software.
    • Despite the hazy connotations of the term, "the cloud" refers to nothing more than a vast network of computers that can be accessed from any device that can connect to the internet.
    • When you log in to your bank account, you use the cloud to access your financial information.
    • The cloud allows it to access data and software online at any time, from any location, and via any device.
    • The cloud hosts the applications and services (the software) and stores the data linked with those applications and services.
    • Accounting in the cloud satisfies all of these requirements.
    • Cloud accounting platforms, in contrast to more conventional software for bookkeeping, can be accessible at any time.
    • On the other hand, access to data depends on a working internet connection; if you do not have a working internet connection, you will not be able to access the data.
    • The data security offered by cloud services is superior to desktop software, even though this goes against common sense.
    • Consequently, businesses that offer cloud computing services are extremely worried about their data's safety because their organisation's success may hinge on it.
    • If the security of your cloud-based software is compromised in any way, any data saved in the cloud may be in danger.
    • They can manage these complicated systems without employing an in-house information technology team.
    • Artificial intelligence is used by cloud accounting software suppliers, for instance, to automate hard and time-consuming operations.
    • Managing inventory and creating projections for cash flow is possible in a single, centralised cloud system.
    • Contemporary accounting software is user-friendly and features an intuitive interface.
    • In addition to providing you with the flexibility to access your accounts from any location, the cloud will automatically update them.
    • Knowing the dangers and difficulties involved is important when selecting what is best for your organisation, even though the benefits typically outweigh the drawbacks.
    • Since the cloud is dependent on the Internet, operating in the cloud may prove to be challenging or even impossible for your company if your Internet connection is either expensive, slow, or unreliable or if it combines all three of these characteristics.
    • It is more likely that cloud-based systems will fail in rural and regional locations, but if the Internet is disrupted, it will also affect cloud-based systems everywhere in the world.
    • On the other hand, isolating your organisation from the Internet and reverting to traditional filing cabinets filled with paper documents is not a realistic choice.
    • Check to see what is involved in migrating your data to a new provider to ensure that you are not "locked in" if you change your mind in the future.
    • Using software that is hosted in the cloud can help your firm save both time and money.
    • The data stored in the system is not always in the most recent version.
    • Accounting in the cloud offers several safety precautions that are not available in conventional accounting software.
    • It is worthwhile to investigate whether your organisation, based on its position as a non-profit organisation, is qualified to receive price reductions or free products.
    • In addition, charitable organisations may qualify for free software or significant price reductions.
    • In Australia, MYOB has a long history of serving as a provider of accounting software for organisations ranging from small to larger.
    • In terms of value for the money, customer support, convenience of use, connectivity with other systems, products and reporting, compares favourably to MYOB.
    • The undesirable trend of increased late payment times is experienced in Australia, significantly influencing a company's cash flow.
    • Because of this, getting on top of your company's accounting through using accounting software like Xero or MYOB is more crucial than ever since doing so can significantly increase your capacity to manage your company's cash flow properly.
    • The computerisation of normally performed tasks
    • Your time is freed up as a result of automating your accounting system.
    • Using other software, you can send letters of demand from a third-party agency or click to acquire a business credit check report.
    • Cash flow forecasts examine your company's incoming funds and outgoing expenses over a specified period.
    • Accounting software can aid you in managing both your debtors and creditors, helping you better coordinate the timing of payments to creditors and the payment cycles of your debtors.
    • A growing number of web applications and add-ons are now available.
    • These applications and add-ons can synchronise with cloud account management systems and connect with those systems to provide extra features and benefits.
    • Additional features include contact management, processing payments via credit card or EFTPOS, and mobile invoicing.
    • This feature allows you to create instant invoices even on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, which can be very helpful when you are out and about running your business.
    • Online software may provide small businesses with considerable time savings and a simplified way to handle the cash flow crucial to their operations.
    • Cloud accounting is the new hotcake for organisations that want to handle their company finances conveniently, efficiently, and securely.
    • This is because cloud accounting offers all three of these benefits.
    • It is the most secure route to take to get to the bank.
    • Similarly, as the world continues its transition towards digitalisation, cloud accounting will help significantly to the success of both small and large organisations.
    Cloud accounting is a method of managing financial data and performing accounting tasks using online software that stores data on remote servers, commonly called the cloud. It allows businesses to access their accounting information anytime and anywhere with an internet connection. With cloud accounting, data is securely stored, backups are automated, and multiple users can collaborate in real time.

    Australian businesses may benefit from a variety of cloud accounting features, such as:

    • Accessibility: Cloud accounting allows business owners and their accountants to access financial data and reports from anywhere, enabling flexibility and remote work opportunities.
    • Real-time collaboration: Multiple users can work on the same data simultaneously, facilitating efficient collaboration between team members and accountants.
    • Cost-effective: Cloud accounting eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software installations, as everything is hosted and maintained by the service provider. Additionally, it does away with the necessity for manual data entry and documentation, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors.
    • Automatic backups and security: Cloud accounting software automatically backs up data, reducing the risk of data loss. Additionally, reputable cloud accounting providers prioritise security measures, including encryption and access controls, to protect sensitive financial information.
    • Scalability: Cloud accounting solutions can easily accommodate the growth of a business. As the business expands, it can add more users or upgrade to higher-tier plans to meet its evolving needs.

    Yes, cloud accounting software available in Australia is designed to comply with Australian tax regulations. Reputable cloud accounting providers ensure their software updates the latest tax laws and requirements. They often integrate with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and provide features such as GST (Goods and Services Tax) reporting, payroll tax calculations, and automated SuperStream contributions.

    Cloud accounting platforms prioritise the security of financial data. They implement various measures to protect sensitive information, such as encryption, regular security audits, and secure data centres. Choosing a reputable cloud accounting provider with a strong track record in data security and compliance with industry standards is important. Businesses should also implement security practices, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.
    In Australia, converting your existing accounting data to a cloud accounting system is feasible if you currently use another accounting method. Most companies that provide cloud accounting services also provide various tools and services to facilitate data movement. In most cases, you can import data from common accounting software or formats for spreadsheets. To guarantee a seamless transition and avoid data loss or compatibility concerns, speaking with the cloud accounting provider or a professional accountant is recommended.
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